몇년간 방치되어 있던 로컬 마켓을 리노베이션 하고, 새롭게 문화 센터로 확장 오픈하였다. 건물이 버려져 잊혀지는 동안 피지컬하면서도 소셜한 그 주위의 환경은 변화했고 진화했다. 이제 과거, 현재, 미래가 오버랩하는 이곳은 이웃의 일상생활이 이루어지는 현재와 과거의 기억 사이에 존재하게 될 것이다.

로컬 마켓의 원래 있던 회중석은 보존되어 단지 잊혀졌던 그 캐릭터만 회복되었다. 자연채광이 낡음과 새로움 사이에 이루어지고 있는 소통을 강조하는 주된 요소로 작용하고 있다.

The local market of Ferreries after falling into disuse for several years has been restored and extended to become a new Cultural Centre. Its physical and social surroundings have changed and evolved over the years, while the building was abandoned and forgotten. Now, there is a temporal overlap -past, present and future- between memory and the contemporary daily life of the neighbourhood.

The main original nave of the market is preserved and its void character is recovered. Natural light becomes a main element that emphasizes the dialogue between old and new.

Originally the market was giving the back to the Joan Monclús Square. The square was an opportunity to hold outdoor activities and events, so the main entrance and extension was placed between the square and the old market. Today, the square gives access to the new Cultural Centre, which at the same time sets a background of the activities held there.

A close relation is established between the market and its extension, through the horizontal lines of composition, opposing the tall new mute facade and contrasting the white, soft and bright interior of the nave to the new dark, grooved and textured facade.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY