*간선도로에 인접한 주택-[ FujiwaraMuro Architects ] House in Tokushima

일본 교외에 주택건설을 의뢰받으면서 유의해야 할 점은, 주변에 대규모 시설이 인접해 있고 높은 교통량을 자랑하는 간선도로가 위치해 있어 프라이버시를 유지하면서도 조명과 환기를 확보해야한다는 점이었다.

간선도로로부터의 시선과 소음은 잉여토양이 있는 도로측에 지어진 토양뱅킹에 의해 차단되었고, 남쪽면의 일광은 2층 각 방에 지붕 표면을 돌출 시킴으로써 실내 조명을 차단하고 프라이버시를 보장하면서도 상당한 조명과 환기를 제공할 수 있다.

The client requested a building for the married couple and their two children to live in, with a space for home office, at a site located in the suburb.

There is a plan for a large-scale facility in the adjacent property; and an arterial road with high traffic runs on the south side of the client lot.

Under such conditions, a spatial structure was considered to secure lighting and ventilation while assuring privacy throughout the future.

Line of sight and noise from the arterial road is blocked by soil banking built on the road side with surplus soil.

Daylight from the south side is taken into each room on the second floor by projecting them out from the roof surface, providing excellent lighting and ventilation scheme while securing privacy.

A living-dining space in a skip-floor configuration is provided at the central part of the interior space of this building.

This space connects to a bedroom, children’s rooms, water sections, and a study room.

Architects: FujiwaraMuro Architects

Location: Tokushima Prefecture, Japan

Architect in Charge: Shintaro Fujiwara, Yoshio Muro

Area: 111.92 m2

Project Year: 2014

Photographs: Toshiyuki Yano



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Designed by JB FACTORY