분리되어 있는 3층 건물은 단독주택들이 주로 위치한 전형적인 주거지역에 위치해 있다. 북쪽으로는 호수를 접하고 있고, 동서쪽으로는 집들이 가까이 인접해 있는 이 집의 공간적 순서는 하나의 요소나 공간으로 정의할 수 없고, 집을 구성하는 모든 요소를 총체적으로 고려해야만 정의할 수 있다.

전체 높이의 창문이 있는 외향적 거실 공간은 호수나 정원을 향해 있는 공간으로 구성되어 있다. 안쪽에 위치한 침실은 동서쪽 방향의 큰 채광을 통해 일광을 받아들이고 있지만, 주민들이 들여다보지 못하도록 사생활을 유지하고 있다. 외부에서 보면 언뜻 작은 규모의 집이지만, 모든 방향으로 커다란 창문이 열린 것처럼 보여 그 공간적 확장성이 크다.


The detached three-storey building is situated in a typical residential area of mostly single-family houses. On the north side, the slightly lifted parcel faces Lake Constance, in the south the garden. On the east- and west side, the neighbouring houses are adjoining rather closely. The design of the house takes up these circumstances and translates them into its own logic. 

The spatial order of the house cannot be defined by a single element or space, but only by a holistic consideration of all the elements of which the house consists of. Through this conceptual understanding of an architectural order, we want to develop a multi-thematic, yet rigorous architecture that preserves a mysterious ambivalence between explicability and irrationality.

As a result, the spaces are organised according to their requirements. The extroverted living spaces with their full-length windows are exclusively oriented to the lake or the garden side. The introverted bedrooms retrieve their daylight through large skylights on the east and west side, but protect the inhabitant from prying eyes from the outside. The paradox of these large openings, that allow no insight but yet permit views to the outside, are of great internal and external spatial qualities and importance for the project. Seen from the outside, the small volume of the house appears open with its large windows in all directions. Only at second glance, one can see that the house completely forecloses towards its neighbouring surroundings on its longitudinal sides, despite the storey-high openings.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY