*인도 자연친화적 느낌의 건물-[ case design + transsolar ] avasara academy for girls in rural india

인도의 lavale 시골 마을에 위치한 새로운 avasara 아카데미 학교 건물은 '지식 도시의 성장 마을'이라는 사업의 일환으로 건설되었다. 현지에서 사용 가능한 자원을 활용하면서도 지역 내 타 건물과 비교했을 때 특이하면서도 환경 친화적인 농촌 환경을 존중하고 또한 인도의 젊은 여성을 위한 선도적 교육개발을 지원한다.

산책로, 안뜰과 정원, 테라스를 간단한 구조로 배열하고 있고, 가장 큰 건물은 교실과 교육관련 시설로 제공된다.

located in the rural village of lavale in india, the new avasara academy school building has been realized as part of the growing township of knowledge city. its unique positioning takes advantage of locally-available resources, and despite being distinctive in comparison to any other buildings in the area, the architecture is respectful to its rural surroundings, environmentally friendly and supports the development of spearheading education for young women in india.

the architectural design was conceived by mumbai-based firm case design, meanwhile transsolar klimaengineering calculated the solutions to allow the building to achieve its net-zero energy status. together, both teams developed a response for the 4.3 acre campus which grows out from the hillside. a collection of simple structures arranged around an informal series of walkways, courtyards, gardens and terraces. the largest building hosts the classrooms and facilities that drive the learning experience for the students.

the rooms have been based around the perimeter of the building, allowing the central core to be completely open and serve solely for circulation purposes. in turn, these centrally located ‘exhaust cavities’ are integrated in the structural core of the building and eventually extends out as solar chimneys above roof level to passively drive air flow, and provide cooling, throughout. pastel colors painted on the ceilings of each floor give the detailed concrete construction and stone building vibrancy, while the mostly open-façade is covered in panels of bamboo shading.

with a high ambition and a modest budget, the building achieves a comfortable internal condition without the use of any mechanical system despite the warm and humid western climate of india. along with the climatic responsive massing, strategic program placement, the study of air flow and the use of locally sourced bamboo shades; these were all components that allowed the building to use architectural and structural infrastructure for a year-round comfortable learning and living environment. taking cues from local and other examples of academic, domestic, public and sacred spaces, the architecture of avasara academy responds to site, program and climate, addressing the needs of the community to provide a sanctuary for learning.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY