이 곳은 불교신자의 명상을 위한 장소로, 자연과 자연의 일부인 존재와 교감하는 선을 강조하고 있다. 이는 또한 공간과 구조, 물질의 사용함에 있어 인간의 인지를 자극하고 이로써, 인간을 돕고 평범한 시골의 풍경 안에 자연의 참매력을 찾을 수 있으면서 또한 자연과 공존할 수 있도록 하는 것이 이 공간 디자인의 목표가 되었다.

결과, 건물과 자연 사이를 연결하는 것같은 설계하여, 자연 아래 건물을 숨기는 듯 접지의 방법을 채택했다. 따라서 나무와 자연 풍경에 인접해 있는 건물로 인해, 사람들은 건물에 접근하려면 나무들 아래의 좁은 경로를 들어오도록 설계되었다.


This is a place for Buddhist mediation, thinking and contemplation, as well as a place satisfying the needs of daily life. Zen stresses on complying with nature and being part of nature. That is also the goal of the design for this space—taking use of space, structure and material to stimulate human perception, thus helping man and building to find the charm of nature even in an ordinary rural landscape, and to coexist with nature.

This is a place for Buddhist mediation, thinking and contemplation, as well as a place satisfying the needs of daily life. The building is located in the forest by the riverside. Along the river, here is a mound, behind which is a great stretch of open field and sporadic vegetable greenhouses. The design started from the connection between the building and nature, adopts the method of earthing to hide the building under the earth mound while presenting the divine temperament of nature with flowing interior space. A place with power of perception where trees, water, Buddha and human coexist is thus created.

To remain trees along the river perfectly intact, the building plan avoids all trunks. Shape of the plan looks like branches extending under the existing forest. Five separated and continuous spaces are created within the building by two axis, among which one is north-south going and another one goes along the river. The five “branches” represent five spaces of different functions: entrance, Buddhist meditation room, tea room, living room and bathroom, which form a strolling-style experience together .

The building remains close to trees and natural scenery. The entrance faces two trees; people need to walk into the building through a narrow path under the trees. The shrine is against the wall and facing the water, where the light and the shadow of the trees get through the skylight and flow into the interior space softly along the curved wall, exaggerating the light of Buddha. The tea room opens completely to the pool which is filled with lotus, and trees on both sides of the tea room has become part of the courtyard, creating a fun of tea tasting and sight-viewing. The lounge is separated from other parts of the building by a bamboo courtyard; such division enables daily life varies with different hours of a day. The whole building is covered with earth and becomes an extension of the land, as another “mound” which could be used under the trees.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY