법적인 제약으로 4층까지 허용되어 있는 이 지역에서 건축주는 5가구의 주택을 요청했다. 밀집된 거주 지역의 좁은 경사지역에 최대한의 공간을 확보하면서도 시야를 방해하지 않고, 통풍이 원할하고 주거 환경으로서의 개운성을 고려하려면 어떻게 해야할 지가 설계의 관건이었다.

결과적으로 자연과 도시가 뒤섞여 있는 이 곳에서 도시와 건축물의 명확한 경계선을 그리기 보단 환경과의 적당한 거리를 고려한 건축물이 탄생하였다.

The site, an elongated square to the east and west, the frontage 7m, depth 20m, is located in the middle of a gentle plateau.

Though the site frontage is narrow and locate the slope areas, and also permitted only 4 floor by the legal constraints, we are asked to plan the 5 houses from client. While cramming the volume as much as possible in a narrow site of the dense residential areas, maximizing floor area , with consideration to the line of sight interference and ventilation, brithtness of dwelling environment, it becomes a theme how we secure the connection with the environment.

Rather than draw a clear boundary line between the dwelling and nature, or city and the architecture, by using a vertical domain that considers the moderate distance between environment and architecture, we hope the place settled as where the dwellings, nature and the city are mixed and well harmonized.

from divisare


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