A shelving system ... ... a self adjusting shelving system
... the shelvs come with transparent U-clips !!!
MAKE/SHIFT expands and contracts to fill even the most awkward of gaps.
The unique wedge shaped units with corrugated edges cleverly interlock to fill niches or spaces between columns.
Don't worry about exact dimensions, MAKE/SHIFT can always adjust to fit !
MAKE/SHIFT is flexible, robust and lightweight.
You can adapt your assembly to suit any width,
wedging the triangles into a gap vertically or horizontally (you could even use it as temporary height adjustable bench).
Available in black, white and pink.
If no opposing wall is available, then MAKE/SHIFT works equally as well as a freestanding unit that can be adjusted in shape and colour to suit the room.

Make/Shift comes with the second generation transparent clips
that can be used to create freestanding assemblies. You can of
course also use the clips on the back side of the shelves, so they
remain totaly invisible.
'Furniture&Object' 카테고리의 다른 글
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