도시 지역에 개발된 이 주택의 주요 전략은 인접한 공원과 큰 시각적 관계를 이루기 위해 상층에 위치한 테라스 로지를 그에 부응하여 설계하는 것이다. 폭 넓은 감각을 최대화하기 위해 전체 전략에 의미를 부여한 것으로 집과 외부의 접촉면 강화를 위해 마치 전체가 비어있는 것처럼 전체를 이해시키며 이 공백을 명확하게 증명하는 것이다. 벽돌을 활용해 전체 볼륨을 통합시키고 이웃 주거 구조에도 자연스럽게 동화될 수 있게 한다.
The house is developed in an urban area. The plot of 9x13m is characterized by two very strong conditions, on the one hand the relation to the neighbouring park and on the other its position in the corner of the block.
The main strategy responds to these conditions with terraces-lodges that are positioned on the upper floors to achieve the greatest visual relation to the park, this desire to maximize the sense of breadth gives meaning to the whole strategy.
To strengthen the contact perimeter of the house with the exterior, understanding the full and empty as a continuous whole give meaning to this monovolumen in corner, articulating the void and evidencing the urban vocation of the project.
The housing program is divided vertically, placing the public in the middle floor and private spaces at the ends. The services and vertical circulations are compacted against the edge less favored by the visual ones.
The brick sums up the whole volume and is incorporated naturally into the fabric of housing that the neighborhood has.
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