[ JDS & KLAR ] The Copenhagen Waterfont

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JDS, in collaboration with Klar, will redesign the harbour front Kalvebod Brygge as the result of a tender held by the City of Copenhagen, within the newly established ‘Metropolzone’

The Metropolzone is a major development project to upgrade a part of Copenhagen City centre, which stretches from Kalvebod

Brygge to St. Jørgens Lake.

Interesting sea baths, something that JDS developed in the past as PLOT.

We expect more information shortly. A few more images after the break.
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Finally something is happening at Kalvebod Brygge. The entire area is being transformed into a recreational waterfront area where the public can take a walk, enjoy the sun and the view or dock their private kayak. According to plan the facilities will be completed in 2010.


The area will be redone into a modern pier / waterfront, where you can go for a walk, land/ beach with your kayak or sit in the sun and enjoy the view while drinking coffee.


The new waterfront facilities are an extension of The Kalvebod Brygge harbour area by Marriott Hotel and Nykredit. The team behind the project; Klar Architects, JDS Architects and Sloth Møller Engineering Consultants have named the new waterfront area The Wave as it moves out into/across the water in the shape of a wave.


The new facility is an extension of Kalvebod Brygge harbour front in the area of the Marriott Hotel and Nykredit. Klar Arkiteker, JDS architects and Sloth Møller Engineers, who did the project, call the new installation ”the wave” (Bølgen), because it moves like wave out on the water.


“Kalvebod Brygge has long since been at the receiving end of criticism from Copenhagen citizens and architectural critics alike, and rightly so, as it is too closed off and inaccessible in relation to the Copenhagen public”, says Klaus Bondam; Mayor of the Engineering and Environmental Department and continues: “With the new waterfront area we create an opportunity for this area to finally become accessible to the public. Easy access to the water will be established and therefore I am looking forward to seeing the final realisation of this project.”


“The Copenhagen people and architecture critics have for a long time and with reason critized Kalvebod Brygge to be inaccessable and too closed to be used by normal resident/ citizen,” says the mayor for Tecnics and Environment Klaus Bondam and continues: “With the new ”brygge” (pier) we create the possiblity to make this area usable for  the public. We create an easy access to the water and thats why i am looking forward to that the project gets realised.”


Lord mayor Ritt Bjerregaard made the following statement regarding the project: ”I am happy that this sketch proposal brings The Copenhagen Council one step further in the process of bringing more life and a higher quality to the Metropolitan zone. Kalvebod Brygge has a great development potential and we need to ensure that the people of Copenhagen benefit from this potential. This explains the importance of the project being developed in close dialogue with its citizens.

I am happy that with the (sketch-) proposal for ”Bølgen” (the wave) Copenhagen gets one step closer to create more life and higher quality in the Metropolzone. Kalvebod Brygge has a big potential for development and vi have to make sure that this will be a great benefit for the  people of Copenhagen  – thats why it is important, that the project develops in close dialogue with the citizens of Copenhagen.


Designed by JB FACTORY