*출산을 상징하는 독일의 창고 설계-[ TOTEMENT/PAPER ] Wine and Brandy Distillery Museum & Warehouse

구 독일시에 위치한 이 건물은 2차 세계대전 당시 심하게 훼손되어 있던 마을에 위치해 있다. 철로와 인접해 있는 텅빈 공터에 꼬냑을 생산하는 공장의 창고 건물을 만들기로 하고, 이 곳에서 각종 회의와 커뮤니케이션 및 방문객들을 접대하는 공간을 설계하게 되었다. 내부적으로나 외부적으로, 남성적이거나 여성적으로, 낮거나 높고, 폐쇄적이거나 열린 - 그렇게 목재와 메탈을 이용하여 건물의 형태를 구성하게 하였는데, 이렇게 창고로 쓰이는 낮게 설계된 목재 빌딩은 마치 한 여성이 아기를 포호하고 아기를 낳는 이미지를 상징하며 땅이 '출산'을 하는 이미지를 표현하고 있다.

The building is located in Kaliningrad region in old German town which was seriously damaged during World War II. In an empty place adjacent to the railroad a modern plant of cognac production was built. Our task was a warehouse building project which apart from its main function - storing cognac tierces – would serve as a place of meetings and communication, guests reception as well as a symbol of creation and rebirth, demonstrating the role of the plant in the city life. 

The applied while considering all the parts of the project has led us to creation of an extremely symbolical architectural ensemble.

Starting with the notion that the initial material cognac manufacturing deals with is a grapevine (a most mystical image in Christian symbols, embodying the sense of Tree of Life as well as Eucharist and Paradise (Holly Fire)) and wine (Divine Blood), — we decided to place the form under the authority of literary symbols, which are to create the images of harmonious interaction of various symbols and signs, sometimes opposite and antagonistic, but making stable pairs, giving rise to a new symbol. 

Internal and external, male and female, low and high, closed and opened, wood and metal – here is just a short list of pairs, which we used in order to create shapes of the buildings.

A low wooden building, serving as a warehouse, embodies an image of Earth “giving birth to” – it is an image of a woman protecting and bearing. It is bound to the earth tightly, grows into it, grows from it and protects and preserves a birth in it. It is an Yin sign, deep, cool, low — internal.

A high capacity made from metal is reaching for the sky and is associated to light, mind, external, male. It is slightly liable and mobile, opened (the capacity has simply been torn and burns like a candle at night).

The low part of the capacity is turning into a ladder, which as a triangle runs into the horizontal capacity, allowing visitors to examine the warehouse interior, without entering. At the same time a tail of the wooden block on the other side also gets into the corpus of the high capacity as a triangle. In this plexus they give birth to a space between and inside themselves, organizing the around space together.

Buildings have been designed basing on the same geometrical platform (by which they are connected to the cognac distillery main building and to the site geometry as well). Each line both horizontal (according to the plan) and vertical (facades and sections) has been determined by a complicated geometrical scheme, which itself has formed the capacities of the buildings, and the architects appeared to be just tools of this structure, after it had been created by them.

The third object — a checkpoint, is the beginning — the gates to the following stage of the project — the creation of a park — a new line.

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY