중정형 공동주택; 도시맥락과 주거유닛 사이에서 중심을 잡는다. 

정확하고 단순한 규칙에 따라 입체적으로 (집계)그룹화 된 주택 목록을 개발했으나 프로그램과 배경이 요구하는 다양한 상황에 적응할 수있는 주택 단지를 해결할만큼 충분히 개방적이었다. 도시의 관점에서 제안서는 거리 정렬을 준수하고 토지 이용 가능성을 활용하는 음모의 깊이를 가치있게 만든다. 주택 단지의 부피는 경계선 사이에서 벌어지며 줄거리를 제한하는 파티 장벽(일부는 버리고 다른 것들은 가치있게 함)과 광장과 같은 공공 장소 및 공공 안뜰을 감싸고 있다.


The elements with which to develop the project are not far away. They are features that tell us about the climate, the context and the way we live. Simply walking around the place and looking at... the courtyards, the filters, the light, the plots configuration, the small scale of the buildings... the singularity of each of the houses and the amazing configurations that emerge when they are grouped... not really knowing where one house ends and the next one begins...

The aim is to give significance to the nuances and tangible scale of the domesticity and the details. Search the surprise.


We developed a catalogue of houses that were grouped three-dimensionally (aggregation) following rules that were precise and simple, but also open enough to solve a housing complex adapted to the diversity of situations that the programme and the context required.

From an urban point of view, the proposal complies with the street alignment and puts in value the depth of the plot exploiting its land use possibilities. The volume of the housing complex is stretched between the boundaries, playing with the party walls that limit the plot (obliterating some and putting others in value) and wrapping an interior courtyard that organizes the circulations and public areas, like a square.


The housing units are generated from base module of single or double height (module living-dining-kitchen) to which other smaller spaces are added (modules bedroom-bathroom / bedroom-storage).

The different possibilities of aggregation result either in different spatial configurations for a similar group of modules or in different house sizes depending on the number of modules added. This spatial aggregation logic allows a flexible design process in which each house is considered simultaneously as a unit and in relation to the whole group. It allows to create a varied landscape, rich in shades and tailored to its physical context without losing the quality, rigor and standardization that the social housing development requires.#socialhousing

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY