*과수원 내 학교 교실 증축 프로젝트-[ LT2A ] MARCINELLE

12개의 파빌리온으로 구성된 기존 학교에 10개의 새 교실과 서비스를 추가하는 이번 프로젝트는 미개발 과수원에 위치해 있어 여러 가지 고려 사항이 많았다. 서로 다른 두 가지의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 서로 다른 지점에 두 개의 프로그램을 배치했다. 기존의 형태와 특징을 존중하여 이웃에 대한 존중 / 존중에 대한 노출 / 학교의 미래 확장 등에 대한 기대를 충족시키기 위한 설계가 이루어졌다.


The project consisted in the addition of ten new classrooms and services in an existing school composed of a dozen of pavilions. The new building was to be situated in an unbuilt orchard.

In order to satisfy two different needs, the program is split in two and positioned on different spots. The classrooms to one side and the toilet building block at the heart of the school, at an equal distance from all the other buildings on site. On the other hand, the position of the classrooms was also a result of different constraints: preservation of the existing trees / the green central garden / the best views and exposure to keep / respect of the neighbours / anticipation of the school’s future extension. Being the first of a series of developments, the project is considered to become part of a chain of pavilions which will occupy the rest of the site. Therefore, respecting the morphology and the features of the existing will allow the project to renew its own dimension as the additions are built.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY