이번 프로젝트는 기업의 프레임워크 혁신과 병행해 탄생한 것이다. 주요 아이디어는 21세기 정신을 반영했다. 새로운 창작과 프로젝트를 허용하는 공간으로 설계되었다.

총 25,000개의 벽돌로 지어진 거대한 모자이크와 같은 건물은 목재바닥, 대리석, 코르크 코팅 벽, 어두운 가구 마감재 등의 재료와 대조를 이루면서 우아한 공간을 제공한다.

건물 정보
창업자이자 건축가인 Rafael Miliari 및 Enrico Beer Boimond가 만든 Studio Guilherme Torres는  Debora Atsuko가 관리하고 있는 재능있는 회사이다. Londrina에서 2001년에 설립된 이래 10 년 후 상파울루로 옮겨졌고 요즘은 현재 중요한 리뉴얼의 단계를 밟고 있다.

140 평방미터의 본사는 브라질 상파울루에 위치하고 있다.


This project was born in parallel with the renovation of the company’s framework. The main idea reflects the spirit of the 21stcentury, that is to be multidisciplinary and go beyond the architecture and design that Studio Guilherme Torres is already known for. Therefore, the space was designed to allow new creations and projects. 


"Architecture starts when you carefully put bricks together." This Mies van der Rohe quote points out the main element of the project, the brick. The façade was built with approximately 25 thousand bricks, creating a wide mosaic. This artistic and artisanal hollow structure is very characteristic of Guilherme Torres architecture and accomplishes his commitment to make a better and more beautiful city. 

The building has two floors. The ground floor is composed by a gallery, designed to receive art expositions, and a meeting room, fulfilled by natural light during all day. The two spaces are divided by wooden pivoting doors. The second floor is where the team creates and works in the projects. 

The materials used – such as wooden floors, the marble and cork coated walls and the dark finishing for the furniture – brings contrast and elegance to the spaces.  


Studio Guilherme Torres is a company of talents, composed by his founder and by his enfantterribles – the architects Rafael Miliari and Enrico Beer Boimond, and managed by the luxury industry specialist, Debora Atsuko. It was founded in 2001 in the city of Londrina. Ten years later, it moved to São Paulo and, nowadays, is currently crossing an important renewal phase. 


The 140sqm new headquarters is located in São Paulo, in Brazil. The building is located in a fancy neighborhood in São Paulo, close to important and central avenues in the surroundings. 

As widely known, the city is the biggest metropolis of South America and concentrates the most important financial and corporate center of the country. It’s known by its concrete landscape, full of skyscrapers and buildings of mixed types and periods. 

from archello


Designed by JB FACTORY