후쿠야마시의 항구에 위치한 이 부지는 건축주의 가족 소유가 된지 100년이 넘은 곳이다. 이 오래된 부지에서 건축주는 앞으로도 계속 살고 싶어했고, 이 집이 오랫동안 이 곳에 속해있다는 인상을 주기 위해 벙커 또는 토목기사 건설현장으로 인식될 수 있도록 디자인 하고자 했다. 부지 특유의 모양 때문에 선형 분포로 레이아웃을 설정해야 했고, 건축주 가족의 전용 보트를 유지하기 위해 큰 안뜰과 항구를 직접 연결하였다.


Located in the local town of Fukuyama City, the site faces a small fishermen’s port.

This site has belonged to the client's family for over 100 years.

The most recent transformations to the adjacent street changed completely its aspect, leaving only a very narrow strip.

However after this new conformation the client hoped to keep living in here.

My intention was to design a house that could be perceived as a bunker or a civil engineer construction to give the impression that this house has belonged to this place during long time.

Due to the shape of the site a linear distribution was necessary in the planning layout.

Thanks to seven staircases that are placed among the inside and outside spaces, the client family is able to select many kind of moving line for their everyday life, avoiding any possibility of boredom.

Previously the client family was living in a single story house, directly open to a large courtyard and to the port, where they have been keeping a small private boat. 

Going out to the courtyard and the port directly from the rooms became integral part in their lifestyle. 

In this new house from all rooms of every floor it is possible to go out and get on a boat through the courtyard without passing through the main entrance.

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Designed by JB FACTORY