
벨기에 Wispelbergstraat에 위치한 오래된 학교 건물은 도시 중심부에 위치해 있다. 1882-3년도에 설계된 학교는 Architectural Heritage(건축문화재)에도 등재된 건물로써, 기존 건물의 윙이 지닌 시각적 외관을 유지하는 조건을 바탕으로 복원이 진행되었다. 그러한 이유로 역사적 거리에 면한 부분의 규모는 그대로 유지되었고, 기존 외관을 존중하기 위해 건물의 지하실을 내는 방향으로 설계가 진행되었다.



This historical school building has a central location on the school site in Wispelbergstraat.

The street façade of the existing building on the site, the school designed by the municipal architect A. Pauli in 1882-83, is mentioned in the inventory of Architectural Heritage and had to be restored as part of the new project. In consultation with Ghent city council’s Department of Monuments & Architecture, the dimensions and the visual appearance of the wing of the existing building along Wispelbergstraat were retained.

On the basis of these preconditions, the new programme was integrated into the dense site of the Athenaeum Wispelberg.


The volume behind the historical street façade was retained. The gymnasium, a solid ‘box’, hovers above the multipurpose hall and the administrative offices, which, with their glass walls, are fully open to the existing playgrounds and outdoor areas between the buildings on the site.

In order to respect the existing façade with its openings as much as possible in the context of the new programme, the floor levels of the volume behind it were modified. This gives the ground floor with its multipurpose hall a higher ceiling. Behind the large windows on the first floor is a multipurpose classroom. The administrative area lies strategically adjacent to the present main entrance to the school in Wispelbergstraat. Its floor level connects up with the surrounding buildings and the playground between them. The highest floor level in the multipurpose hall connects up with the playground on the eastern side of the new building, which was designed at the same time. Aside from this, the floor level of the multipurpose hall descends towards Wispelbergstraat by 45 cm in two steps, to link up with the floor level of the basement area under the existing wing.

The space behind the fronton in the street façade, the existing gymnasium, is kept completely open as an entrance hall and stairwell with entrances from both the street and the school site itself.

In this way, the various users of the building are guided to their different destinations from the building at the centre of the site. The staircase in the entrance hall leads to the gymnasium via the bridge. At level +1 the corridor along the façade connects the changing rooms to the gymnasium and the multipurpose classroom. The level of the floors in the corridor and the multipurpose classroom connect up with the underside of the window openings in the historical façade, so that these spaces give the school’s activities a presence in the street scene. The size of the gymnasium is in accordance with official competition standards to enable it to be used regularly after school.


The gymnasium and multipurpose rooms can be used separately and simultaneously. To make the maximum use of the school infrastructure possible outside normal school hours, several entrances have been provided from the entrance hall.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY