이번 프로젝트는 밤나무로 둘러싸인 산 속 계곡의 멋진 전망에서 영감을 얻은 것임이 분명하다. 그리하여 자연속에 혼합되고 숨고 변형된 모습의 집이 탄생하였다. 여름에는 빽빽한 나뭇잎이 집 전체를 삼키는 듯한 형태라 뜨거운 태양으로부터 실내를 보호하고 있고 동시에 온전히 주변으로부터 집 자체를 보호하는 모양이다. 겨울에는 낙엽이 떨어져, 풍부하지 않은 태양광선을 집으로 온전이 끌어들여 집안을 따뜻하게 덥히는 역할을 한다.

Looking at this project, it is indeed the sensations we experience that leave their mark as we think, walk and live through it. This project was clearly inspired by the place, a piece of land surrounded by chestnut trees, incredibly ripped into the mountain, flanked by a stream that flows down the hillside and a magnificent open view of the other side of the valley perfectly nestled into the natural landscape. It was this bucolic scenario that led to an enterprise that had no intention of imposing itself on the surrounding nature, but rather blending, hiding and transforming with it. It gave rise to the “Cloaked House” concept. This is how the house lands on the location and the “deviates” from the existing trees, emphasizing the lightness attitude and the conservation of the surrounding nature. The two blades – the roof and the floor – open onto the landscape and are punctuated whenever encountering a tree. This has resulted in patios that introduce dynamism and movement into a house marked by a well-defined rhythm of the wooden pillars, which support the garden-topped roof. The rest is transparency, glass, which is the only solution that makes sense in this scenario. In summer the dense leafiness of the trees “engulfs” the whole house, making it almost imperceptible at the same time as protecting the interior from the intense sun. In winter the deciduous trees shed their leaves, allowing the sun rays to penetrate inside and warm up the house, making it slightly more visible among the bare branches. Whether indoors or outdoors, living in the forest or with the forest, exposed or in communion, a distinct project, which is difficult to explain but which fuels the will to live.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY