*1층 구조를 올려 개조한 주택- [ Arnau Vergés Tejero ] Carpet House

솔직히, 오래된 단층 건물을 리모델링하여 층을 위로 올리는 일은 거의 불가능한 요청이었다. 그러나 중간 플랫폼 삽입을 위해 바닥 한부분의 높이를 낮추기로 결정하는 동시에, 집의 한부분을 정원 수준과 연결시키고 내외부 경관을 통해 다른 하나를 들어올리는 방식으로 결국 프로젝트를 완성하였다.


Remodelling an old ground floor flat with the request, almost impossible to fulfil, to increase its surface, becomes a perfect excuse for us to propose both a horizontal and a vertical redistribution of the place.

Considering the difference of height that existed between the interior surface and its prolonged back garden and having quite a big free fall, we decided to lower the level of one part of the floor in order to insert an intermediate platform. At the same time, this intervention connects one part of the house with the level of the garden and lifts the other one over the inside and the outside domestic landscape.

In order to connect the three levels that we obtained, we put a concrete carpet touching the cut that we stretch in order to link all the spaces in the house: from the kitchen to the garden passing by the lower level of rooms and the dining-room. And to access the upper level that we have built, we lift the carpet.

Architects: Arnau Vergés Tejero

Location: Olot, Spain

Constructor: Promocions Grederes, SL

Project Year: 2017

Photographs: Marc Torra

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY