*돌과 콘크리트로 헛간을 시골집으로 개조-[frank minnaërt turns an old barn into a modern country house in lormes]

파리의 돌로 지어진 오래된 농장 헛간을 새롭게 살기 좋은 시골집으로 개조되었다. 부엌은 커다랗게 디자인 했지만, 그 재료는 목조로 정했다. 대형 건물 입구를 통해 부엌까지 깊이 있게 햇살을 들이게 되었고 돌로 된 외벽과 대비되어 입구의 테두리는 깊은 콘크리트 프레임으로 구성했다.

french architect frank minnaërt’s project is located on the outskirts of a village in the morvan regional natural park in lormes, france — a protected area of woodlands, lakes and traditional farmland. a couple from paris asked the architect to renovate their old stone farm barn into a liveable country house.

minnaërt designed a big kitchen, which — as well as the rest of the interior — is mostly made of wood. a large 300 x 300 centimeter opening, which allows light to enter the kitchen from outside, has a deep concrete frame contrasting with the stone façade of the building.

a timber grid organizes the geometry of the room with furniture integrated into the stairs. the kitchen is the most important room of the house, dedicated to the preparation and storage of products from the garden and local agriculture.

project area: 128 sqm
completion: 12/2017
general contractor: 2amts
photo: LMNB

the floor, walls and ceiling of the bedroom form a continuous plywood ribbon. the mezzanine is accessible by a ramp with steps that allows continuity between the two levels. a railing is made of a nylon mesh. the living room settings are also made from plywood, while a large recess contains a home cinema equipment and a seat. a custom-made tub is arranged in the bathroom and the floor is lined with ceramic tiles.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY