*울스터 테라스 16채의 집 중 하나-[ PANOVSCOTT ARCHITECTS ] 1 OF 16

이 프로젝트는 높은 유산의 중요성을 지닌 주거지를 개조한 것이다. 울스터 테라스 (Ulster Terrace)라는 이름으로 지어진 16채의 주거 중 하나인이 프로젝트의 컨텍스트의 특수한 조건은 없다. 개인이 집단의 맥락 안에서 있을 수있는 방식을 인식하는 동시에 개인의 관점에서 집단의 예리한 의미에서 비롯되는 이중적 가치를 보여주는 것이 이번 프로젝트의 핵심 건축 아이디어가 되었다.

This project is for the transformation of a single dwelling of high heritage significance.

In isolation it is about the specific and radical increase in amenity that might be enabled by our intervention. But things are never in isolation and the specific conditions of the context position the project as 1 of 16 dwellings, built from the same plan and named Ulster Terrace.

It is the dual values that arise from an acute sense of the collective, from the point of view of the individual, whilst also recognising the manner in which the individual might be within the context of the collective. This is the core architectural idea of our project, hence the name.

Tasked with radically increasing amenity within the dwelling, but also cognisant the dwelling was both a heritage item and within a heritage conservation area, we began the design process by closely recording the existing condition. In the act of drawing we gathered not only the particulars of the original design, but each and every manner in which the 16 terrace houses had been modified since 1877. This gave us a language of preservation, addition and modification that came to define the terrace group. 

Examples being the manner in which many of the dwellings had established ground floor additions that extended the full width of the site. Or the one dwelling that demonstrated an inflection of the rear skillion roof at the lane façade to make a shallow hip. We adopted this precedent in our design, though reversed it, then sliced off the resultant upward tilting triangular pyramid to enable a large skylight.

Another example was the rear splay window. Viewed from the rear lane it is vertically proportioned and of a similar size and height relation to those of the adjacent terraces. We were able to demonstrate enough variation within the pattern of the 16 that we might shift this window away from the centerline of the rear façade. In this case, so far that it hung off the side of the façade, offering such privacy and amenity for the space within.



Designed by JB FACTORY