네덜란드 호텔 체인인 The Student Hotel은 스페인 바르셀로나의 마리나와 포블 지역에 처음으로 학생 전용 캠퍼스를 오픈하면서 톡특한 공동 생활 공간 및 공동 작업을 위한 하이브리드 공간을 제공한다. 
마리나 캠퍼스에는 500개의 객실이 있는 4개의 타워 건물을 만들면서 재료와 색체, 질감을 융합시킨 절충주의 스타일로 디자인하였다. 이 곳의 크리에이티브 디렉터는 '다채로운 색 사용을 통해 분위기에 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라 환경에서도 대담함을 조성할 수 있다는 점을 주목하라'고 설명했다.


The Dutch hotel group The Student Hotel, which provides a unique co-living and co-working hybrid, has just opened its first two student-only Campus properties in the Marina and Poble Sec districts of Barcelona, Spain.

The Student Hotel has collaborated with Masquespacio, the Valencia-based creative consultancy, for the refurbishment and design of both properties.

The Marina Campus is housed in a four-towered 21,000 m2 building that includes 500 rooms. The property features communal spaces, such as swimming pools, gaming zones, open and closed seating areas, as well as quiet study rooms to encourage connectivity and exchange while providing enough space for learning and development. Considering both the international clientele and the strong identity of The Student Hotel, Masquespacio has developed its design by creating a mix that remains in keeping with the brand’s image while adding a touch of Mediterranean identity through the use of local materials and a bold color palette. 

The property was designed in an eclectic style that fuses materials, colors and textures. You’ll recognize some Memphis style with a little bit of Seventies vintage and an industrial aesthetic, among others. Each corner, decorative detail and visual element aspires to blend perfectly with a student lifestyle by being part of their daily activities and aiming to be a source of inspiration for them. 

Ana Hernández, creative director from Masquespacio points out: “It should be noted how the use of color not only influences ones mood, it can also be used to create a bold design statement in the environment.” 

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY