*호주 '도망자 구조물' 프로젝트-[ Andrew Burns Architect ] Crescent House

'도망자 구조물'이란 프로그램의 이름으로 탄생한 이번 프로젝트의 목적은 건축가의 생각을 널리 알리는 것이다. 두 개의 반원 호가 단순한 직선 형태 안에 구조화되었다. 구조란 건축가와 예술 작품 사이에 모호한 존재로서 공간 내에서 대화를 불러일으킨다.


'Crescent House' is the first in an annual series of temporary pavilions to be installed at Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation in Paddington, Sydney. The aim of this 'Fugitive Structures' program is to engage a wide audience with architectural thought.

Two arcs are set within an apparently simple rectilinear form. The arcs bisect, creating a pair of infinitely sharp points and a threshold to the space beyond. This combination of fragility and robustness seeks to charge the conversations within the space with a particular quality.

The structure has an ambiguous presence; between architecture and art object. Through framing, it transforms an ordinary rose apple hedge into a landscape of beauty. The pavilion responds to elemental themes; darkness and light, the wonder offered by the night sky and the burnt quality of yaki-sugi (charred cedar) recalling the presence of bushfires on this continent.


Designed by JB FACTORY