*4개의 거대한 벽돌로 만들어진 쇼룸 -[ Cubo Arkitekter ] The Hammershøj Brick Factory

Carlsberg Bjælker의 쇼룸과 공장시설을 갖춘 2층 건물은 덴마크의 벽돌을 이용하여 구성되었다. 4개의 대형 벽돌은 서로 다른 외장 타일로 만들어졌는데, 건물이 균질되게 보이는 방식으로 구성되어 있지만 실제로는 4개의 독립적인 벽돌로 구성되었다.


A beautiful valley in central Jutland surrounds Randers Tegl’s new administration building with showroom and factory facilities for Carlsberg Bjælker.

The two stories high administration and visitors’ building is a composition of four “supersized bricks” with the classical proportions of a Danish brick - a unique concept that creates a distinct common thread throughout the project.

The four "supersized bricks" are made with different facade tiles, and composed in such a way that the building appears homogeneous - yet as a compilation of four independent bricks.

The production facility for Carlsberg Bjælker is based on the architectural concept of the administration building and appears as a composition of stacked bricks. 

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY