*단순/균일/시각화를 통한 1990년대 주택의 재탄생-[ Didonè Comacchio Architects ] Interior SS

이번 프로젝트는 1990년대 지어진 주택의 1층을 단순화/균일화/시각화하여 재탄생시킨 것이다. 1층을 자유롭고 유동적이면서 빛이 가득한 공간을 제공하고자 기존 주택의 건축적 요소에서 추가와 제거를 진행하였다.  계단, 중앙 기둥 등 강력한 구조 요소의 존재와 특정 위치가 공간을 새롭게 탄생시켰다.

Interior SS is a restyling aimed at simplifying, uniformizing and visualizing the ground floor of an existing house, last restored in the late 1990s, which had layers of very diverse overlapping additions. The presence and the particular location of strong structural elements - such as the staircase, the central column - and visible parts from previous renovation projects characterize the space.

The existing house is located in a residential district in a small town near Bassano del Grappa at the foot of the Pre – Alpi Venete by the shore of the Brenta river.
The project wants to create a new and own identity providing a free, fluid and luminous space on the ground floor in which the architectural elements, added and eliminated, adapt to the new open space. Visual connections between interior and exterior are maximized by creating low and parietal pieces of furniture ensuring a free and wide space, eliminating internal full partitions by using glass surfaces. This permits the entry to a controlled natural lighting thanks to the external porch and to maintain views towards the garden.

Architects: Didonè Comacchio Architects 

Location: 36055 Nove VI, Italy 

Designers: Paolo Didonè, Devvy Comacchio 

Area: 60.0 m2 

Project Year: 2018 

Photographs: Andrea Zanchi 

Manufacturers: Ceadesign, Vitra, Saba

The reorganization of the internal space includes the demolition of the partition wall dividing the kitchen area from the rest of the living hall and the much needed increase of the kitchen top surface with a central island functioning both as a working and snack area. Glass operable walls separates, when needed, the cooking zone from the rest of the house keeping a visual connection between users of the different areas. When in rest position the operable partitions are hidden by a timber slat wall fitted with metal shelves in white painted finish.

The dining area, where the dining table takes place, is located near kitchen island creating a visual continuous between working and dining area. A small office space takes place after the dining area taking advantage of the particular conformation of the existing space characterized by its length. All furniture is custom made and designed to emphasize the horizontal lines of the house but at the same time to maximize the storage space.

The need to simplify the existing different finishes lead to a basic material and color palette alternating oak wood to white elements inspired by existing timber floor. The air conditioning and the additional heating system are hidden in the false ceiling that creates a functional hierarchy by clearly identifying the service space from the living area.
The light design is based on cove lighting supported by a new false ceiling which crosses the entire length of the connecting visually the “service area” of the ground floor. Direct spot light is used when needed in particular areas such as the kitchen working area.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY