*독일, 미학/기능성/유용성에 중점을 둔 오피스 건물-[schmelzle+partner’s office building, located in hallwangen, germany]

독일의 스튜디오 schmelzle + partner architekten은 세 가지 주요 쟁점인 [미학, 기능성, 최적의 유용성]에 중점을 둔다. 이 전략은 산업 건축 자재를 사용하여 검은 숲(black forest) 속에서 45명의 직원을 위한 사무실 건물을 건축할 때 회사의 4개 파트너가 엄격하게 적용하여 적용한 내용이다.
schmelzle + 파트너의 사무실 건물은 독일 Hallwangen에 위치하고 있다. 독일의 인상적인 전망을 가진 검은 숲의 그림 같은 지점은 주변 경관과 완벽하게 조화를 이루고 있다. 그 구조는 푸른 지붕으로 풍경과 완벽하게 일치하는 것처럼 보이는 반면, 지상에서 자라는 독특한 외관은 멀리서도 눈에 띄인다.


every design by german studio schmelzle+partner architekten focuses on three main issues: aesthetics, functionality, and optimum usability. this strategy has been strictly applied by the four partners of the firm when constructing their own office building for 45 employees amidst the black forest, using industrial building materials.

schmelzle+partner’s office building, located in hallwangen, germany, a picturesque spot in the black forest with impressive views which, blends perfectly with the surrounding landscape. the distinctive façade, which seems to be raised above the ground, stands out even from afar, while the structure seems to perfectly united with the landscape by its green roof.

the project is the first step for the realization of the masterplan ‘architecture campus – work&live at the same place’. the next construction phase will be formed on the south-eastern bordering area as a model for the future, presenting apartments created for employees and trainees, as well as more office spaces.

the transparent overall structure flanked by vast glazed surfaces creates a fluent crossing between the interior space and the outside. the natural topography is brought into the building on different levels which are separated by steps. every single level is acoustically demarcated with all-glass railings, which ensure the transparency of the whole area.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY