*갈대 패널을 특징으로 한 호텔-[ Alex A. Tsolakis Architecture ] ecoSuites, A Reed-Clad Hotel

그리스 호텔의 수영장은 슬라이딩 패널로 둘러 싸여 있고, 갈대 패널은 뒤쪽으로 놓인 유리창을 전체적으로 숨기는 기능을 하여 자연환경과 조화를 이루면서도 신중하며 비반사적인 외관을 만든다. 슬라이딩 리드패널은 호텔에 머문 손님이 발코니를 개인 실외실로 변형할 수 있게 하여 강렬한 태양으로부터 보호받고 싶거나, 사생활 노출을 하고 싶지 않을 때 요긴하게 사용할 수 있다.

Hotel extension, Tristinika Beach, Greece. The camouflaged hotel. The swimming pool facade (NE-NW) is completely covered with sliding panels clad in local reed that grows on the hotel site. The reed panels hide the full-height glass windows behind them, creating a softer, more discreet, non-reflective facade that blends into the natural surroundings. At the same time, the sliding reed panels provide sun protection and privacy to the inhabitant, as they enable guests to transform their balconies into private outdoor rooms.

The SE-SW facade features vertical wooden planks, that indicate the private entrance to each suite. The wooden facade blocks direct sunlight, while letting the sea breeze circulate through the suites. The rooms of the suites flow into one another, and the huge glass sliding windows blur the boundary between inside and outside. The open floor plan and its orientation work together with the facades, keeping interiors cool during the summer heat. As the new ecoSuites are an addition to an existing hotel, the existing buildings and view orientations had to be considered.

Architects:  Alex A. Tsolakis Architecture 

Location:  Tristinika Beach, Greece 

Architectural & landscape design:  Alex A. Tsolakis, Eva Besmerti 

Area:  900.0 m2 

Project Year:  2018 

Photographs:  Alex A. Tsolakis 

Manufacturers:  Alumil, TON, Scarabeo

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY