*태국의 종이블라인드-Natchar Sawatdichai makes adjustable blinds from folded recycled paper

태국 디자이너 Natchar Sawatdichai의 종이 블라인드 컬렉션은 환경에 해로운 플라스틱으로 만들어진 제품에 대항하여, 지속 가능한 대안을 제공하도록 고안되었다.


Thai designer Natchar Sawatdichai's collection of Qualified paper blinds are designed to offer a sustainable alternative to those made from environmentally damaging plastics.

Sawatdichai, who graduated from London's Kingston University earlier this year with a masters degree in Product and Furniture Design, created the adjustable blinds as the majority of blinds are made from "over-qualified" materials.

"By overqualified I mean providing something that consumers didn't ask for," she explained to Dezeen. "At the same time, these other materials also use excessive energy to produce and dispose of."

"Consumer behaviour has created a 'throwaway society', which shortens the average lifespan of a product," she continued.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY