*거대한 조경의 워터코트로 둘러싸인 갤러리-[ THOMAS PHIFER AND PARTNERS ] GLENSTONE

Glenstone은 이곳에 전시되어 있는 컬렉션의 상당 부분에 대한 접근을 일반 방문객들에게 제공하면서, 그에 대한 서비스 향상을 위해 박물관의 시설 및 경관을 크게 확장했다. 그 중심 시설은 파빌리온(Pavilions)이라고 하는 204,000 평방 피트 규모의 새로운 건물인데, 이곳은 전통적인 언덕 마을에 별개의 건물에 대한 강한 인상을 주기 위해 경관이 보강되었다. 또한 대규모로 조경된 워터 코트를 둘러싸고 있는 갤러리 룸들로 구성되어 있는데, 다양한 크기와 구성 및 조명 조건을 갖춘 관람실은 단일 아티스트 설치 및 Glenstone 컬렉션의 작품에 대한 여러 아티스트의 작품을 감상할 수 있는 공간이 된다.


To provide access to a larger portion of its collection and enhance its service to the public, Glenstone has completed a major expansion of its museum facilities and landscape. The centerpiece is a new 204,000- square-foot building, called the Pavilions, designed by Thomas Phifer of Thomas Phifer and Partners.

Embedded into a rise in the landscape to give the outward impression of discrete buildings rising out of the earth, as in a traditional hill town, the Pavilions is organized within as a ring of gallery rooms surrounding a large landscaped Water Court. Rooms of varying sizes, configurations, and light conditions house single-artist installations and a multiple-artist survey of works from the Glenstone collection. The building significantly expands Glenstone’s indoor exhibition space, from 9,000 to 59,000 square feet, and also provides increased office space and support facilities. A strategic master plan and site design by PWP Landscape Architecture more than doubles the area of restored woodlands, meadows and streams accessible to the public, from approximately 100 to 230 acres. The expansion also provides a new public entrance and arrival building, two free-standing cafés, and, in 2019, a center that highlights environmentally sustainable practices at Glenstone.

Located on 230 acres in Potomac, Maryland, near Washington, DC, Glenstone is a museum of modern and contemporary art that offers visitors a seamlessly integrated experience of works from its collection, architecture, and landscape. Its first exhibition building, known as the Gallery, was designed by Charles Gwathmey of Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects and opened to the public in 2006. The natural setting, designed by Adam Greenspan and Peter Walker of PWP Landscape Architecture, incorporates major works of outdoor sculpture within rolling meadows and unspoiled woodlands. Admission to Glenstone is always free. Visits are scheduled, to ensure that guests can have an unhurried, intimate engagement with the artworks and environment.

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