*수납 공간에 중점을 둔 베를린 노후 아파트의 개조-[ Club Marginal Architekten ] The Green Miracle

19세기에 지어진 베를린 아파트는 90평방 미터 크기로, 지난 몇 년간 비어진 채로 방치되었지만 지금은 부부와 두 딸을 위한 현대적 거주지로 탈바꿈되었다.
이번 개조는, 가족에게 물건을 수납할 수 있는 공간을 더 많이 제공할 수 있도록 하는 데 중점을 두었다. 그래서 찬장과 서랍, 오픈 수납장 등이 아파트 전체 높이로 만들어 졌다.

Sage-green storage closets and a swing seat are among the quirky details in this renovated 19th-century apartment in Berlin, designed by local studio Club Marginal Architekten.

The Green Miracle is located in the city's buzzing Schöneberg district, in a residential block built in 1899. The 90-square-metre flat had been an empty shell for years, but has now been transformed into a contemporary home for a couple and their two young daughters.

Club Marginal Architekten focused the renovation on providing the family with more space for them to keep their belongings.

A full-height, sage-coloured storage unit was built into the space framing the apartment's entrance, incorporating cupboards, drawers and open shelves. The same shade of green was also applied to the floor, in a technique known as colour-blocking.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY