*뉴욕 여성-어린이 쉼터의 목재로 꾸며진 도서관-[MKCA designs Children's Library for transitional shelter in New York]

미국의 스튜디오 MKCA는 노숙자가 아닌 여성과 어린이들을 위한 쉼터인 Constourse House를 위한 작고 다채로운 도서관을 만들었다. Concourse House는 1991년에 설립되어 뉴욕시의 Bronx에 위치한다. 쉼터는 안정적인 임시주택 및 여성과 어린 자녀를 위한 다양한 사회 복지 서비스를 제공한다. 비영리 단체의 궁극적인 목적은 가족이 영구 주택을 확보하도록 돕는 것이다.
뉴욕에 본사를 둔 MKCA가 프로 보노(pro bono, 사회적 헌신: 공익을 위한 무료봉사)를 기반으로 디자인 한 어린이 도서관은 이전에는 어둡고 활용도가 낮은 2층구조였는데, 이제는 컴팩트한 공간에 목재가 늘어선 거대한 통이 천장을 꾸미고 있고 이는 다목적 홀을 내려다보고 있는 구조를 하고 있다. 도서관은 1,200권의 책과 독서와 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 공간을 제공한다.


American studio MKCA has created a small, colourful library for the Concourse House, a shelter for women and kids who are transitioning out of homelessness.

Established in 1991, the Concourse House is located in the Bronx – one of New York City's five boroughs. The shelter provides stable, transitional housing and a range of social services for women and their young children. The non-profit organisation's ultimate aim is to help families secure permanent housing.

Designed by New York-based MKCA (Michael K Chen Architecture) on a pro bono basis, the Children's Library was constructed on a mezzanine level that was formerly dark and under-utilised. The compact space sits under a timber-lined, barrel-vaulted ceiling and overlooks a multi-purpose hall. The library offers 1,200 books, along with spaces for reading and storytelling.

The goal of the design team was to create a comfortable and flexible space.

"The library is designed to break from the institutional quality of the other program spaces in the building, to engage the children visually through a bright, colourful and playful environment, and to allow for flexible transitions between individual and organised group readings and storytelling," said MKCA in a project description.

The showpiece of the library is a large, white oak shelving unit with curved corners. Books are illuminated by an LED strip that wraps the front of the design. The back side is faced with a wooden screen, which serves as a buffer between the quaint library and the open hall below.

At the centre of the library is a large rug by Alex Proba that "incorporates the shapes and colours of the room into a playful, soft landscape of varied colours and textures". Kids can take a seat on the floor, or sit on poufs that come in light blue, spring green and peach. The cloth-covered stools can be stored in a shelving unit that lines one side of the room.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY