*콤비엔트 레스토랑 [ Architectural Studio ARCHPOINT ] Kombinat Restaurant

생선요리를 메인으로 하는 Kombinat레스토랑의 인테리어 디자인은 바다를 연상시키는 어휘를 풍부하게 적용, 독특한 이미지를 만듭니다. 여기에 재료 본연의 물성을 적나라하게 적용하여 거칠지만 풍부한 공간을 함께 구현하고 있습니다.

오래된 실크공장 두동을 리노베이션하여 기존공간과 재료의 맛을 새로운 인테리어 디자인 안에 버무린 것도 재미있습니다.

Kombinat Restaurant occupies two floors in a red-brick building of a former silk factory, built at the beginning of the 20th century. It is an affordable restaurant which focuses on the Russian seafood, although the diverse menu is not limited to fish dishes only. The interior uses a lot of unobtrusive references to the marine theme.

Most of the ground floor is occupied by a bar lounge. Near the entrance there is the raw bar. The raw bar counter trim resembles a scallop shell.

A natural wood-trimmed staircase leads from the raw bar to the first floor, with more comfortable seating and two VIP rooms. The marine images here are fish-shaped installations in window niches, veneered sconces and chandeliers resembling underwater vegetation.

Designed by Architectural Studio ARCHPOINT. Valery Lizunov, Olga Nosova, Lilia Berganova

from retaildesignblog


Designed by JB FACTORY