*자전거 환승 주차장 [ Ector Hoogstad Architecten ] Bicycle Parking

세계에서 가장 큰 자전거 주차장은 도심 내부로 유입되는 자동차를 적극적으로 차단함으로써, 새로운 도시 네크워크를 만듭니다.

위트레흐트 환승역(기차역)에 설치된 세계 최대 규모의 자전거 주차장은 총 12,500대의 자전거를 주차할 수 있는 지하3층 규모의 시설입니다. 이러한 도시공간의 개편은 그동안 자동차에게 내어준 공간과 장소를 보행자, 사람에게 되돌려주는 역활을 수행하게 됩니다. 새로운 자연녹지공간과 문화공간이 확충됩니다.

기차역 광장에 설치된 거대한 캐노피 또한 인상적인 공공장소의 모습을 연출합니다.

 The world’s biggest bicycle parking is the centerpiece of an urban redevelopment that reconnects the enlarged railway station to the historic city center of Utrecht. Underneath an iconic canopy, an elevated and revitalized public space welcomes visitors. By rigidly reorganizing logistics and banning most car accesses on the ground level, a spacious green pedestrian boulevard could be created -lined by new mixed-use buildings- that allows for direct routes toward the city’s cathedral and its’ cultural center. In the middle of the boulevard, underneath the elevated square, a three-story bike park for over 12,500 bicycles announces a future of sustainable mobility.

Architects: Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Category: Parking

Area: 21373.0 m2

Project Year: 2019

Photographs: Petra Appelhof

Manufacturers: Glasdesign, Autodesk

The bike-through possibility may be the world’s first …the concept is about speed and safety. The layout allows separating pedestrians and cyclists intuitively while approaching the station’s entrance. A digital system guides cyclists rapidly to free places. The parking can be used with a public transport chip card, convenient and quick. Stairwells and tunnels create direct connections to the elevated square, main terminal building and platforms. Ensuring good orientation and plenty of daylight, the stairwells are surrounded by glassed atria. Durable materials such as concrete, steel, and wood are used and the parking already won the “Betonprijs 2017”, a prestigious price granted by the concrete - association.

Three concrete columns supporting the giant canopy extend all the way down into the parking. These trumpet-shaped elements have a diameter of 5 meters at floor level, falling to 1.2 m at the top, and each one is cast as a single element. The environment is one of the development’s starting points: the bike-park is built to seduce more inhabitants and commuters to use bicycles and public transport instead of cars. This behavioral change reduces CO2 emissions by up to 95%. The available space was used highly effective and sustainable: the three-story bicycle parking is situated underneath the elevated square. Utrecht profits in many ways: a better public space with a spectacular bike-parking and moreover space for commercial development.

All this on top of the station without adding much polluting transport. Daylight in the parking has been maximized by atria covered by glass rooftops and large windows in the outer walls, supplemented by LED lighting. The cycle parking area is constructed using durable materials such as concrete, steel, and wood. With these raw materials, an atmosphere has been created that is best described as warm and intimate, creating a feeling of social safety. To achieve a vibrant and friendly city-center Utrecht takes action: highways are being replaced by more modest streets, also allowing for a new public street and square to be inserted at Utrecht Central Station, together with a bicycle parking garage with a world record capacity of 13.500 bicycles.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY