*게스트하우스 리모델링 작업 [ kooo architects ] hotel farnear

중국 광저우시에 위치한 게스트하우스 리모델링 작업.

오래된 7층건물 이지역을 방문하는 관광객들을 위한 숙박공간으로 재정비한다. 주거가 밀집한 지역특성을 고려, 외부시선으로 부터 내부공간이 편안하게 보호받을 수 있는 공간계획 진행.

불필요한 벽과 장식물은 제거하고, 콘크리트 기둥과 보를 재구축, 여기에 폴리카보네이트 외장재를 적용, 반투명한 물성을 이용, 외부시선을 차단하는 동시에 풍부한 자연채광이 유입되는 디자인 적용.

kooo architects was tasked with renovating a seven-story building in the old city center of guangzhou, china to transform it into a modern guesthouse ‘hotel farnear’. guangzhou’s subtropical climate with long summers and warm winters along with its abundant precipitation, makes the city flourish with vegetation year-round. the fascinating greenery scattered throughout the city encourages people to live outdoors; public activities are extended onto the streets allow everyone to take advantage of the climate and pleasant scenery throughout the city.

architecture firm: kooo architects

project name: hotel farnear

location: nanhao st, guangzhou, china

the architects were moved by the connection between citizens and the lush outdoors, and wanted the renovated guesthouse to bring in plenty natural light. the renovation is situated in a residential area of the city with a lively and dynamic lifestyle. the neighborhood is composed of high density of buildings, with close proximity to each other. so the designers were challenged to provide abundant natural light in the interiors, yet avoid any visual interruption or obstruction from the neighbors.

as a solution, kooo architects brought in translucent walls and light materials that scatter light throughout the spaces. the project’s essential structure is made up of a bare column grid with connecting beams. the standard floor is divided into a four-room layout. the bedrooms and the bathrooms are separated into upper and lower floors, and the double-height living room introduces a frosted channel glass façade, which acts as insulation while bringing in natural light and avoiding direct view to neighboring buildings.

to create texture and keep the lobby area open and light, one of its walls is made of 120mm long strips of sliced galvanized steel deck. natural light passes through the parallel stacked steel deck and reflects softly diffused light to welcome the guests. the soft metal, white, and light wooden color palette create a comforting atmosphere for guests as they step into the relaxing oasis in the middle of guangzhou.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY