*인도네시아 중정 하우스 [ RUANGRONA ] SH House

집의 분절된 형태는 공기순환의 최적화를 위한 적절한 볼륨으로 구성합니다. 2층에 위치한 마스터침실과 아이들침실을 연결하는 브릿지는 집에 적용된 흥미로운 건축어휘 중 하나입니다.

정제된 물성을 표현하는 노출콘크리트와 철은 내부 중정과 열린공간에 적용된 목재의 따뜻한 물성과 균형감을 이루며 공간 내부를 풍부한게 형성합니다.

Located in a dense & dry neighborhood of Bandung city, Indonesia, SH House is designed by ruangrona in order to maximize air circulation, indoor micro climate and natural lighting which provide coziness.

The clients are delighted with some private inner court / open area which create different visual & space experiences in every room.

The house masses are separated intended to make the house not too bulky and maximize air circulation. The bridge on the 2nd floor, connecting the children's room and the master bedroom is one of the interesting parts of this house.

Exposed concrete and iron elements that tend to be cold is balanced by the inner court / open area and wooden materials so that the house becomes more homey and warm.



from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY