Helse Sør-Øst RHF
Multiconsult AS
Hjellnes COWI AS / Interconsult ASA
Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller
Bjørbekk & Lindheim AS
Schønherr Landskab A/S
Troels Wörsel, Gunilla Klingberg, Mari Slaattelid, Knut Henrik Henriksen, Jan Christensen, Tony Cragg, Birgir Andrésson, Petteri Nisunen, Tommi Grönlund, Julie Nord, Per Sundberg, Vesa Honkonen, Janna Thöle-Juul, Kristine Halmrast, Mikkel Rasmussen Hofplass
Akershus, Oslo
137000 m2 (118000 m2 new building)
2004-2008 (2011)
Competition year
2000 1st prize in international competition - after prequalification
2007 Byggenytt #9, Tema: Nye Ahus
2006 Arkfokus #3, p. 4-5
2006 Global Danish Architecture #1, p. 174 - 175
2005 Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, #1, p. 8-10
2005 HMT (Helse, Medisin, Teknikk) #5 Tema: Nye Ahus
2004 Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller: Samfund og Menneske
The hospital's various departments all differ in their dimensions, form and expression. The wards have one kind of architectural expression, while the treatment departments have another, and the children's clinic has an expression all its own. This helps to create a varied visual experience, while at the same time making it easy to find your way around.
The design of the complex reveals the influence of the high priority given to daylight for all workplaces, views of the surrounding landscape, and contact with the outside environment. A glass-covered main thoroughfare, in which wood is the dominating material, links the various buildings and functions. This glass street forms the hospital's main arterial route, and is structured as a series of open spaces of differing character, offering various functions such as kiosk, pharmacy, hairdresser, church and café.
The short distances between the functions, the clear organisation and the modern technology give the staff more time for their patients.
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