*빅토리아 시대의 하우스 리모델링 [ Bureau de Change ] Frame House

영국 빅토리아 시대에 지어진 주택의 리모델링 작업들의 가장 큰 특징은 확장된 주거공간 확보와 기존 후정의 적극적인 사용에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
이번 프로젝트 또한 이러한 디자인 맥락을 함께 하며 확장된 주방 및 식당공간 그리고 거실공간을 계획한다. 특히 다면체로 꺽인 후정의 전창은 내외부의 접점을 넓히며 독특한 공간감을 생성한다.

Frame House is a minimal residence located in London, United Kingdom, designed by Bureau de Change. This rear extension and refurbishment to a Victorian terraced house in South London, applies a questioning approach to produce an unconventional arrangement of interlocking geometric glass volumes which reveal a sequence of compelling interior spaces.

Here we challenged standard solutions to planning rules which determine a 45-degree angle between surrounding properties, instead achieving the maximum envelope possible with purely rectilinear forms that are staggered and stepped at the boundaries. This complex design of interconnected forms is drawn from the geometry of the site and its adjacencies –with volumes extruded in different directions, some sitting beneath the original house and others expanding outwards.

The detailing of this structure features a technically complex steel-frame construction reminiscent of the museum case, combining fragility with solidity in a manner that represents an antidote to the frameless glass extensions of the past decade. The rhythm and logic of rectilinear offsetting is echoed throughout the rest of the ground floor plan, with undulating levels designed to curate views and delineate spaces. Moving down through the space from the kitchen at the front, views of the extension reveal themselves through a journey of discovery – the space is not in one glance. This slowing-down allows for surprise, intimacy and drama.

Material choices and lighting emphasise this passage, transitioning from the darker enclosure of the kitchen towards the brighter open spaces that lead to the garden –with terrazzo surfaces in varying tones mirroring this progression. Shifting levels create a language of both useful and playful ledges, steps, borders and planters.

These principles and material choices are continued throughout the rest of the house across two further floors, including the creation of a new master and a guest suite on the second floor. A bespoke terrazzo handrail forms the spine of this material journey, linking spaces throughout the house which unfold in a sequence of visually stimulating rooms where texture, graphics, color and finish have been selected for their theatre and tactility.

Photography by Gilbert McCarragher



from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY