*탑라이트 스텝드 월 하우스 [ Proctor & Shaw ] Stepped Wall House

Proctor & Shaw-Stepped Wall House
프록터 앤 쇼가 디자인한 스텝드 월 하우스는 영국에 위치한 미니멀 하우스이다. 영국의 표본주택에서 출발한 디자인은 높이가 다른 벽과 경사지붕이 만들어 내는 인상적인 장면에서 완성된다. 이러한 벽은 내부공간을 구획하는 동시에 식사, 휴식, 업무등 다양한 생활을 나누어 주는 역활을 한다. 전통적인 재료와 현대재료가 함께 만드는 건축은 내구성과 미적 세련미가 돋보인다.


Stepped Wall House is a minimalist home located in London, United Kingdom, designed by Proctor & Shaw. Departing from the standard London side extension, the design adapts to the land’s topographical nuances through a skillfully conceived mono pitched roof that terminates at a series of staggered walls of varying heights. These walls, in turn, serve to demarcate distinct areas for dining, lounging, and work within the home. Structurally, the building is a blend of traditional and modern materials that reflect both durability and aesthetic refinement. Its exterior features buff brick walls, while whitewashed timber beams offer a sense of openness. Inside, the home embraces minimalism without compromising on comfort or functionality. A solid concrete floor and steps establish a foundation of simplicity, accompanied by natural Clayworks plaster on the walls. Oak veneered joinery and green kitchen cabinetry adorned with terrazzo worktops complete the interior palette, uniting the space in a harmonious balance between form and function.

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY