The Tokyo-based Groovisions motion graphic design crew has created a stylishly animated educational video for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), which highlights some of the issues surrounding the future of food in Japan. In the video, Groovisions use their hallmark playful-yet-ordered sim-like virtual landscape to illustrate a host of food-related challenges facing Japa..
Mexican tattoo artist Dr Lakra is known for drawing macabre designs on found objects and images. During a visit to Japan last year, he inked hardcore tattoos on some fine antique ukiyo-e woodblock prints purchased at used bookstores. Some of these works were included in the “Goth” exhibition at the Yokohama Museum of Art in March, but a few of the more provocative tattooed shunga prints were ref..
National Palace Museum Southern Branch Chiayi County, Taiwan 2010 Through natural biomes, evoking diverse pan-Asian landscapes, the Museum comes into view: a base of ancient stream-washed Taroko marble, rising low and long out of watery mists...a slow ascending gallery spiral ? an artifact of inscripted, weathered bronze embracing a mythic garden as the glass and cypress Jade Mountain dissolves ..
La Casa Ramos se emplaza en territorio austero y seco, en un terreno colonizado por el raspeig. Son dos cuerpos posados en el suelo, la casa en sí y la piscina. Los grandes tableros de resina rojo carmín sustentados por una estructura de acero cubren parte de la terraza, arquetipo del habitar frente al mediterráneo. La terraza tenía que ser el espacio más amplio de la casa, capaz de acoger hasta..
Architects: Arkhefield Location: Park Ridge State School, Queensland, Australia Project Team: Shaun Lockyer, Karen Ognibene, Jemima Rosevear Project Year: 2006 Photographer: Scott Burrows, Aperture Architectural Photography Conceptual Framework The Creative Pavilion for Park Ridge State School was developed as an “out of the box” scheme specifically to contrast against the existing standard inst..
Sam Fiszman Park 2007 Sydney Landscape Architecture 360°, Sydney McGregor Westlake Architecture, Sydney Project Team Liam Noble (360°) Peter McGregor (McGregor Westlake Architecture) Daniel Baffsky (360°) Art Consultant Peter McGregor Engineer Partridge Partners Builder Synergy Resource Management Landscape Contractor Coordinated Landscapes Excavation revealed a mosaic of different rock platform..
Pipe Light is an installation on an abandoned house in São Paulo, Brazil by French-Brazilian architects Triptyque. The project, part of a design show held at the property earlier this year, comprises metal tubing and lamps wrapped around the inside and outside of the building. The installation was commissioned Houssein Jarouche, owner of the adjacent furniture and homeware store Micasa. More Dez..
An exhibition of new work by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is on display at the Albion Gallery in London. The show includes an installation created in collaboration with Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron (above). The work is a variation of the installation created in the Italian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale in September - see our earlier story. The exhibition continues until 14 Nove..