A university faculty building in Milan by Irish practice Grafton Architects has been named World Building of the Year at the inaugural World Architecture Festival, held in Barcelona last week. Luigi Bocconi University was praised as a “magical subterranean realm” by judges including Robert Stern, Richard Burdett and Cecil Balmond. Here’s a statement from the World Architecture Festival, followed..
Instalación para la muestra colectiva "MyHome" en Vitra Design Museum Installation in the collective exhibition "MyHome" at Vitra Design Museum
El diseño de pequeños edificios de apartamentos encuentra en Buenos Aires un terreno evidentemente fértil. La variedad y originalidad de las propuestas hacen de cada edificio una pieza arquitectónica singular, un nuevo modelo. La originalidad radica, en la mayoría de los casos, en la búsqueda de diversidad tipológica en el marco de una estricta economía de diseño; en la búsqueda de la poesía de ..
With winter just around the corner, it's time to pack away your air conditioner and bust out the humidifier. Luckily, the Japanese seem to have a small obsession with moisture and have produced several devices we wouldn't mind keeping out all year. The latest to join this lineup is the Middle Colors humidifier, which is not only attractive and available in a range of colors but will help save yo..
Private Residence and Workspace. Houston, Texas 2004-2006 Residential Projects 48’ House is a modest single family residence and workspace located in Houston, Texas. The size and proportion of the house is based upon a 4' x 8' framing module ideal for wood and steel construction. 48' House is sited at the rear of a standard residential lot adjacent to interstate I-59. The interstate is depressed..
Private Client. Richardson, Texas. 2002-2003 Fabrication Products Residential Projects Plug-On is the first in a series of product prototypes, intended for residential structures. It was fabricated and assembled in Houston, then delivered and installed onto an existing modest one-story ranch style house in Richardson, Texas. The client was interested in an addition that would complement the exis..
EXIT is a custom exit light produced for The Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas, Texas. Interloop Architecture designed and fabricated the exit lights, working with engineers, fabricators, UL technicians, and the graphic design firm 2x4. In keeping with city, state, and federal safety standards, every emergency light fixture must undergo extensive testing by the Underwriter Laboratories Testing C..
This project is a result of our participation in Sixteen Houses - a project organized and curated by Michael Bell in 1998 and funded by the Graham Foundation, the Fifth Ward Redevelopment Corporation, and DiverseWorks in Houston. Sixteen architects and designers were invited nationally to generate innovative concepts and new options for a low-income house - to expand the very limited market. To ..
Villa D es una vivienda unifamiliar situada al sudeste de Estocolmo, muy por encima del nivel de la calle en una parcela rocosa y escarpada que domina un hermoso paisaje. Dos criterios principales fueron considerados en la fase de diseño: a) el cliente deseaba acceder por la parte superior, y b) reducir todo lo posible la dificultosa modificación del terreno y los escombros resultantes. Se decid..
Una construcción ligera en madera y vidrio, una casa de veraneo en el archipiélago de Estocolmo. La organización de la planta está generada por las particularidades del terreno, una superficie plana entre dos grandes rocas que surgen del suelo, y con dos orientaciones importantes: hacia el sol, sur, y hacia el mar en el oeste. Excepto los servicios, los ambientes de la casa se vuelcan a una plat..