골프 코스를 따라 놓인 비슷한 모양과 크기의 빈 플롯은 주택의 새로운 도시화를 위한 프레임을 설정한다.
두 개의 흰 벽은 (거의) 완전히 앞으로 접하게 될 이웃으로부터의 직접적 접촉을 차단하여 명확한 경계를 설정한다. 벽 사이에 건축학적 내부 조경을 사각의 형태로 설정함으로써, 각각 단독의 기능을 수행하면서 주의깊게 먼 거리에 있는 풍경을 프레임하면서도 보안과 보호라는 측면에서의 역할을 하게 된다.


“Sky of a fainting blue - beneath, a slap of whitewash. Reverberation of sun and the bluest blue, the whitest white. Cubes, geometric lines, animal light that trembles and vibrates like the wings of a cicada.” Raul Brandão in “Os pescadores”

Empty plots of similar shapes and sizes are aligned along a golf course, setting a frame for new urbanization of detached houses. Nothing was built. Due to the degree of uncertainty regarding future constructions, the house becomes introverted.

Two white walls (almost) completely withdraw any direct contact from future neighbors, setting clear boundaries. Between them, an architectural inner landscape of cubic shapes, each arranging a single function, provides a sense of security and protection while carefully framing the distant landscape. Only a horizontal volume, containing the swimming pool, contradicts this logic projecting itself to the South, emerging from the walls to o er a possibility of volunteered exposure, for a brief moment, before returning to the house.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY