헤링본 패턴 벽돌을 통해, 인상적인 장면을 연출하는 멕시코 지방의 문화공간 지역적 재료, 벽돌를 건물과 외부를 구분짓는 경계로 구축, 반투명한 막을 연출한다. 아치형태의 지붕과 함께 고전적인 건축을 형상화 한다. aldana sánchez architects has completed a building in central mexico that comprises catalan vaults, herringbone walls, and structural brick lattices. the project is located in a rural part of hidalgo state, which has an indigenous hñähñu population and less than a thousand i..
in a small village in the rural center of portugal, henrique barros-gomes has peeled back the years of an old community oven to create a one-bedroom holiday home. owned by the client’s family for decades, the building was a small, single-story volume with thick exposed granite walls and a gable roof. a walled area, including an almost ruined porch, complemented the property. this most recent int..