Location: Oslo, Norway
Design Period: 2002-2004
Construction period: 2003-2004
Client: Aspelin Ramm / Norwegian Design and Architecture Centre
Project Architects: Jan Olav Jensen (pl), Børre Skodvin, Siri Moseng, Torunn Golberg, AnneLise Bjerkan, Kaja Poulsen, Torstein Koch, Thomas Liu
Landscape Architect: In´By
Static Consultant: Hanes & Instanes AS
Budget: 5.000.000 EURO (US $6.56 millions)
Constructed Area: 3,000 sqm
Photographs: JSA
The new additions inside are constructed with primitive and very simple Cartesian geometries, making them stand out in a ruin like environment, because of the simple instructions necessary to define them (walls, furniture, stairs, restrooms etc.). It was ideal that the restrooms were placed between the oldest and newest part of the building, but this area was actually too small for conventional rectangular restrooms. We realized that all the corners in the restrooms could actually be cut. Combined with the possibilities a new steel sheet bending machine at a shipyard in the south of Norway offered (direct creating of spline curves) we proposed to use 8mm steel plates as walls. In this way we were able to place all the restrooms in an otherwise too small area.
from arhdaily
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