In the open international competition for the planning and design ofa museum complex for the National Museum of Art, Architecture andDesign at Vestbane in Oslo, Norway the jury has selected three winners:
- 1st prize: #164 Forum Artis: Kleihues and Schuwerk Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH (Naples, Berlin)
- 2nd prize: #147 Urban Transition: JAJA Architects ApS (Copenhagen) + Jakob Rolver
- 3rd prize: #209 Trylleesken: Henning Larsen Architects A/S (Copenhagen)
The competition is not yet over
The three winners are all entitled to participate in a subsequentnegotiated procedure. Subjects for negotiation will include price andfeasibility. It is expected that negotiations with Statsbygg, theNorwegian Ministry of Construction, will continue until August 2010,when the final winning proposal for the new National Museum will bepresented. In the final evaluation the architects’ concept and solutionwill be the main criteria with a weighting of between 50 and 70 percent.
237 proposals were submitted for Phase 1 of the competition. The jury selected six of these to go forward to Phase 2 (previously on Bustler), and the same jury has now picked three winners.
The aim of the competition is to find a building solution whichprovided a good match with the functional requirements of the NationalMuseum, while giving the building an architectural expressionappropriate to the museum’s status as an important social institution.
Statsbygg will be the construction client for the new NationalMuseum. The commencement and execution of the project will await thedecision of the Norwegian Parliament, and the museum is planned forcompletion in 2016/2017.
Further finalists were #148 Back in Black by Team “Erlin Moestegnestue v/Rodeo arkitekter AS, Wendelbo arkitekter and SondreGundersen”, #203 Urban Canvas by Sleth Modernism, and #215 m_box byTeam “Narud Stokke Wiig Arkitekter, Planleggere AS and Narud StokkeWiig Sivilarkitekter AS”. Honorable Mentions were given to #111 mSTRATby Zaha Hadid Architects, #160 Piazza del Museo by NUNO Arkitektur AS,and #192 Untitled by TUPELO arkitektur AS.
from bustler
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