[ We Are You ] Jönköping by Bike

Swedish architects We Are You shared with us their latest project “Jönköping by Bike”, a gift they offered along with Super Sustainable to the city of Jönköping. It is a proposal for a sustainable future development where biking is one of the leading aspects. More images and architect’s description after the break.
The municipality of Jönköping has presented 3 strategies for the future development of the city and how it is proposed to focus its’ growth until 2050 (see diagrams below). Jönköping is planned as one of the main train stations along the new speed train track, “Götalandsbanan”. Moreover will it be connected to the Europe tracks and all this gives the city a unique position in the region.

Train with the speed of 300 km/h decreases the distances and creates commuting possibilities between Jönköping and larger cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg and Copenhagen.

We Are You and Super Sustainable have presented a 4th strategy for the future of Jönköping, a strategy where the focus of interest is located inside a central area defined south of Munksjön – “the city lake”.

Instead of doing as in the strategies from the municipality and extend the city outwards should the leading principle be to densify and expand the city as close as possible to the existing city centre.

Guiding points in the urban planning
have been to create:
- Small neighbourhoods with identity
- Main paths with different characteristics
- A mixed program
- Variation in spatial experiences
- Possibilites for healthy and environmentally friendly living
- An average density of at least 70 dw/ha.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY