[ MVVA Team ] City+Arch+River 2015

MVVA Team - Historic Landscape Pond View

Landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburghand a multidisciplinary team introduced as experts in “urban renewal,preservation, commemoration, social connections and ecologicalrestoration” have been picked for the planning phase of The City+TheArch+The River 2015 International Design Competition.

Leaders of the team will be introduced, along with details on thenext stages of the process, at 10:00 a.m., Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, atthe Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis.

The jury chose the MVVA Team over four others competing to enliventhe area around the Gateway Arch and connect it to downtown St. Louis,the Mississippi River and the Illinois bank. Based in New York, MVVA’sportfolio includes the redesign of Pennsylvania Avenue at the WhiteHouse, the design of Brooklyn Bridge Park and many other prominentprojects. (Please see the MVVA Team profile at end of this document forinformation on expertise and accomplishments of its members.)

In its final report, the competition jury called the MVVA Team “astrong team with solid methodology.” As a team, “they conveyintelligence and provide clear technical support for their designproposals,” the jury report states.

MVVA Team - West Gateway View

“MVVA is an outstanding team that presented a winning combinationof the ambitious and the manageable,” said Tom Bradley, Superintendentof the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. “They showed greatreverence for the beauty and significance of the existing site, whilesuggesting improvements and attractions in line with our competitiongoals. We’re excited to start planning.”

Over a 90-day period, the team will work in partnership with thesponsors, the City of St. Louis, the National Park Service and othersto further define program requirements; begin developing a design thattakes into account the feasibility and practicality of proposedsolutions; create a construction budget and fundraising plan; anddefine the delivery expectations from now until 2015.

MVVA Team - JNEM Wetland Reserve View

“Between now and January, we will be challenging the MVVA Team torise to the challenge to do what’s best for the city, for the regionand for this national park,” said St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay. “TheArch is a national treasure, but it is intensely personal to people inand around St Louis. We will be working with Michael and his team, withcontinued input from the community and the experts, on creating thebest solutions for the Arch grounds and the neighboring area.”

“There is huge potential for the Illinois riverbank area andcollaboration on both sides of the river,” said Dr. Vaughn Vandegrift,Chancellor of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, who serveswith Bradley, Mayor Slay and others on the competitions governinggroup. “Our discussions regarding Illinois intensified and evolved evenafter the competition was launched. There are opportunities for theIllinois riverbank area now that didn’t exist when we gave instructionsto the teams. We will work closely with the MVVA Team to evaluate whatthey have proposed and expand from there.”

MVVA Team - North Gateway View

Strong support for project implementation was shared last month ina letter to competition organizers from the bi-partisan Missouri andIllinois congressional delegations and during a visit by the U.S.Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, who oversees the National ParkService and pledged to get the project done.

“This is another critical step in a continuum that began with thereview of the park’s general management plan and continued on to thecall for a competition, the skillful execution of the competitionitself, today’s announcement of a winning design team, theestablishment of an implementation team and a concept from which we canbuild,” said Bradley. “We are looking to this effort as a model forboth public-private collaboration and improved connections betweencities and our urban national parks.”

MVVA Team - Site Plan

The MVVA Team’s design concept narrative describes their vision forthe redesigned park as a “centerpiece of civic culture, an engine ofregional economic growth, a showcase for sustainable ecologicalrestoration and a celebration of the national significance of thishistoric place.”

The sponsoring group, the MVVA Team and others will host intensivereviews and workshops this fall to analyze the design concept andconduct a more detailed design exploration. At a minimum, the studywill focus on the review of the technical advisory group, the impact onrelated downtown park properties and the Illinois side of the river,traffic and transportation and federal compliance issues.

The sponsors also will study issues relating to cost and construction, traffic, financial resources and federal compliance.

A monthly web-based progress report will update the public throughout the implementation period.

The eight-member jury counted among its members a PulitzerPrize-winning architecture critic, a professor in the humanities, aformer deputy director of the National Park Service, a real estateeconomist, a museum curator and renowned architects and landscapearchitects.

The jury shared its report and team rankings with the competitionsponsor and managers after a series of presentations and tours of thecommunity, competition site and exhibit of design concepts led by thesponsors and culminating in public presentations by the teams late lastmonth.

The project will be constructed by Oct. 28, 2015, the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Arch.

from  bustler


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