Chinese Hotel Built In 6 Days

중국에서 6일만에 완성시킨 15층 규모의 호텔입니다. 기초가 되어있는 상태에서 골조공사에 46시간 외장공사에 90시간이 소요되었다고 합니다. 친환경 sustanable building이며 진도 9에 대응하는 내진스펙이 반영되어 있다는 설명도 있습니다. 상하이 엑스포에 맞춰서 발표된 동영상입니다.

Level 9 Earthquake Resistance: diagonal bracing structure, light weight, steel construction, passed level 9 earthquake resistance testing 6x Less Material: even though the construction materials are much lighter(250kg/m2) than the traditional materials(over 1500kg/m2), the floors and walls are solid with surefootedness, airtight and sound-proofing 5x Energy Efficient: 150mm thermal insulation for walls and roofs, triple glazed plastic windows, external solar shading, heat insulation, fresh air heat recovery, LED lighting, yearly HAVC A/C energy consumption equivalent to 7 liters oil. 1% Construction Waste: all components are factory made, construction waste, mainly package materials, result from on site set-up only and amount to 1% of the total weight of the building.

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Designed by JB FACTORY