바다에서 바라보면 멋진 크루즈 한척이 출항 준비를 하고 있는 것 처럼 보이네요.
세계를 향해 뻗어 나가는 가오슝의 출입문을 컨셉으로 하여 여객승객과 현 도시주민을
8개층의 공간에 효율적으로 이용 할 수 있도록 계획한 점이 돋보이네요.
특히 LEED 에 부합되는 친환경 설계를 하여 경제적으로도
활용도가 높은 건축물이 완성될 것 같아요.
친환경적인 재료로써의 유리는 불리한 점이 많지만
형태적인 부분에서 역사선을 계획한다거나, 적절한 수평,수직 루버를
통하여 단점을 장점으로 바꾸는 재미있는 계획이 보이네요.
Architect: HMC Architects
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Local Architect: Hoy Architects & Associates
Structural/MEP Engineer: Buro Happold
Coastal + Marine Engineer: Moffatt & Nichol
Ferry Terminal Planner: Moffatt & Nichol
Cruise Ship Facility Planner: Land Design
Civil/MEP Engineer: Sinotech
Landscape Architect: Liukuo Design
Traffic Consultant: Su International Co
Photographs: Courtesy of HMC Architects
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Local Architect: Hoy Architects & Associates
Structural/MEP Engineer: Buro Happold
Coastal + Marine Engineer: Moffatt & Nichol
Ferry Terminal Planner: Moffatt & Nichol
Cruise Ship Facility Planner: Land Design
Civil/MEP Engineer: Sinotech
Landscape Architect: Liukuo Design
Traffic Consultant: Su International Co
Photographs: Courtesy of HMC Architects
The proposal by HMC Architects envisions an iconic gateway to the City of Kaohsiung, and a lens into the outer-world visualized from within. It creates a new urban datum?an inviting gesture?to allow a new connection between visitors, citizens, and the City of Kaohsiung. This gateway is designed to serve as a physical and economical impetus to the City’s goal of transforming its waterfront from its industrial past into an inviting future.
The proposed 300,000-SF, eight-story terminal is efficient, adaptive, and lucid while fostering a poetic and interactive space that embraces a vibrant urban serendipity. The program consists of cruise and international ferry terminals, 700-space subterranean parking garage, and a Port Bureau office. In a quest for calmness in the occasion of traveling, interior spaces are bathed with comfortable natural light and vistas to ocean and city to create an uplifting experience to maritime travelers and commuters. Its transparency optimizes way-finding, a key element in mitigating people movement, allowing the building to effectively embrace its users’ constant motion and accommodate occasional sudden influx of massive cruise passenger volume.
As a sustainable structure that resonates seamlessly with its context, the building design is sculpted by the forces of nature. Its carefully calculated tilting self-shading exterior envelope closely calibrates with the path of the sun and wind to allow this mostly glass building to achieve outstanding energy performance. The extensive elevated boardwalk and green roof promote biodiversity and enhance planting green index to allow the design to target EEWH Silver certification. The design also qualifies for LEED Gold certification and may achieve LEED Platinum certification with further evaluation.
from archdaily
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