* 콘크리트 하우스 [ Apollo Architects & Associates ] Knot

콘크리트 덩어리

대지가 비좁은 관계로 일본에서 건축되는 건축물의 형태가 수평보다는 수직적인

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특히 전면에서 보이는 콘크리트 메스는 내부에서는 주방밎 전면에서 창이 필요 없는

공간으로 계획하여 하나의 큰 덩어리로 묵직하게 집을 구성하고 있네요.

개인적으로 오보에 힐스를 구경 갈 일이 있어서 본적이 있는데

한세대가 3층으로 구성된 수직형 구조였거든요. 정말 불편하게 생각 되었어요.

공간의 깊이감으로 줄 수도 있고 다양한 레벨 연출도 가능하지만

나이 드신 분이 움직이기에는 작은 턱 하나도 신중히 고려해야

되지 않을까 생각이 드네요.

건축가의 욕심을 버릴때 정말 좋은 건축물이 나오지 않을까요?

This rectangular concrete block with a volume protruding from its side is a family home in Tokyo by Japanese studio Apollo Architects & Associates.

Called Knot, the house features a room with a slanted ceiling, which cantilevers out from the main building and is glazed at the front.

Rooms inside are on split levels and the open-plan living space provides step-down access to a dining area and kitchen.

Above this is a bedroom, visible from the living room.

A further two bedrooms and a bathroom are located beneath the living spaces.

Photographs are by Masao Nishikawa.

More residential architecture on Dezeen »

The following information is from the architects:


The site is situated in a corner on a hill within a residential area in Tokyo. The building was commissioned by a married couple with a husband who loves interior design, photography and mountaineering. It is a compact house that makes use of the half-floor difference in height between the front and back of the site.

The simple exterior reminiscent of a drawer pulled out from a box is composed of concrete and glass. Taking advantage of the difference in height, the spaces in the front and back are connected using the skip floor system.

Positioned adjacent to those spaces are a courtyard and a void space which, together with the skip floor structure that induces a vertical continuity, create a gentle horizontal connection. The alternating courtyard and void afford a sense of depth and expansion to the spaces, allowing for all the floors from the basement to the first to be experienced as one space connected vertically and horizontally.

The spaces into which the client’s Italian and Scandinavian modern furniture collection blends in exquisitely is incredibly rich for a house with a total floor area of 100 square meters and it gives rise to a sensuous and sophisticated world.

Credit Information

Architecture : Satoshi Kurosaki/APOLLO Architects & Associates

Project Outline

Location : Tokyo Japan
Date of Completion : August 2010
Principal Use : Private House

Structure : RC
Site Area: 100.18m2
Total Floor Area : 99.27m2 (50.04m2/1F, 49.23m2/2F)
Design Period : July 2009 – November 2009
Construction Period : March 2010 – August 2010
Structural Engineer : Taro Yokoyama
Mechanical Engineer :-

Material Information
Exterior Finish : Exposed concrete
Floor : Ash Flooring (white painting)
Wall : cloth
Ceiling : Exposed concrete

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY