중정을 향해 감싸 앉아 있는 건물들이 마치 손가락을 연상시키네요.
벽식구조로 구조를 해석하여 비정형인 건물의 내부를
유기적으로 활용 가능하도록 계획하였어요.
층수는 2층이지만 다양한 레벨계획으로 유기적 평면과 어울어져
재미있는 공간들로 인도하네요.
단순해 보이지만 단순해 보이지 않는 상당한 디테일이 숨겨 있는 건물이에요.
외부 이미지를 자세히 보시면 돌 줄눈을 다 맞추어
계획되어 있는 것을 보실거에요. 대단하죠 :)
단선 드로잉에서는 선을 맞추는 작업은 힘들지 않지만 실질적인 작업에서는
선을 맞춘다는 것이 얼마나 힘들지 아실거에요.
located in barcelona, spain, 'house c' by spanish atelier, RTA-office, is a two story residence that
explores geometry, material and transparency with a design that looks beyond the dermis
of the structure to reveal the activity within. featuring ample green space and a pool, the house wraps
around the site, creating pockets of programs divided by slim cuts in the volume.
explores geometry, material and transparency with a design that looks beyond the dermis
of the structure to reveal the activity within. featuring ample green space and a pool, the house wraps
around the site, creating pockets of programs divided by slim cuts in the volume.
the pre-existing conditions of the site which include a stone wall around the perimeter was the starting point
to the design. by bending and folding the layout, the dimensions of the space is maximized while
providing views from each principal room. angular cuts of glass penetrate the interior environment to create
a detachment between programs while introducing elements of natural light, reflection and transparency.
this open interface allows the space to communicate with its surroundings, transforming the atmosphere
with a wide gradient of light. at dusk the house glows from within contrasting with the dark exterior skin.
from designboom
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