다이나믹한 조각들은 마치 건축가의
직관적인 감상에 의해 디자인된 조형물 같아
보이지만 논리적인 컨셉과
다기능적 요소를 지닌 파티션월로
수직과 수평 이외에 3차원 방향성을 갖는
다면월은 3개층을 넘나들며
선과 선이 만나는 링크점마다
새로운 공간으로 안내하는 역활을 한다.
이것은 서로 다른 3개의 레벨공간을
하나의 공간으로 연속되게 만들어주어
작은 볼륨의 공간을 크게 만들어주는
효과를 보여준다.
또한 내부로 유입된 빛은
다면월을 따라 흘러 들어가면서
공간의 시퀀스마다
각기 다른 볼륨감을 만들어 낸다.
이것은 마치 조각상이 살아 움직이는 듯한
느낌마저 들게 하는데
따듯한 나무의 소재와 잘 어울려
인위적인 자연공간을
체험하는 듯 하다.
공간을 분할하는 것이 굳이
공간을 나누는 것이 아니고
오히려 연결시킬 수 있다는 좋은
사례를 보여주는 프로젝트이다.
Faceted wooden panels divide the interior of this house in Kyoto, Japan, by architects ALPHAville.
The steel structure allows for an open interior where all floors are visually linked.
The most characteristic feature of this house is the polyhedral form of the partition walls. They are not made by intuition but are based on logical concepts and perform multiple functions.
First, the partition walls, normally extended in the vertical and horizontal directions, have multidimensionality and loosely connect the rooms on the three floors.
The space thus created is one continuous room with dynamic nuances: it is simultaneously spacious and heterogeneous.
Second, the partition walls serve as reflectors of natural light.
They softly reflect the natural light coming from both the north and south sides and bring it to the otherwise dark interior of the building.
Finally, the partition walls blur the boundary between architecture and furniture, thus stimulating perception and behaviour.
Melt into floors and ceilings, the plywood-finished walls offer enjoyable experiences of touching and passing.
The house as a whole is a machine for living, like playground equipment.
Influence in Asia
Because of the landscape regulations and the physical context of the neighbourhood, we inherited the traditional form and composition of townhouses. But at the same time, this house overcome the negative aspects of townhouses.
The wooden structure of townhouses cannot afford to have large openings on the short sides of the building as well as on floors. Consequently, the interior is dark and communications of people are limited to the horizontal direction.
In this project, it is the steel rigid frame and the polyhedral partition walls that enable to overcome the drawbacks of typical townhouses. Large openings on the walls and the floors, along with the partitions, allow natural light to diffuse multidirectionally, and encourage three dimensional communications and movements.
from dezeen