* 황하의 엘로우 리버 호텔 [ Sunlay Design ] Yellow River Hotel

황하 그 바람이 불어가는데로...
독특한 발생부터가 눈길을 끄는 프로젝트다.
사이트(황하) 가지고 있는 모래, 바람의
자연적인 환경을 모티브로 유니크한 랜드마크 호텔을
지오메트릭 폼의 형태로 발전시켰다.
강가 주변의 돌이 물에 씻겨 나가듯이
바람의 흔적에 모래속의 돌이 들어 나듯이
물과 바람이 흘러간 흔적은
거칠지만 자연스러운 형태로 남아
각각의 고유한 뷰를 만들어 낸다.

호텔이 들어선 방향성 또한
사막으로는 솔리드하면서 예리한 형태를
구현하여 건물의 자생력(환경에 대한 적응력)을
높여주는 역활을 하고 있다.

주변 인프라와 관계성이 중요한 호텔의
특성상 대지가 같는 환경에 대한 심도 있는
고민이 필요하다.
엘로우 리버 호텔과 같이 대지의 환경적 요인을
잘 반영하여 랜드마크적인 공간을 제한하는 일 또한
향후 인프라를 구축하기 위한 좋은 구심점이 될 수 있다.

Yellow River Hotel of , by Sunlay Design is a symbol of the unique environment within which it is located. Situated between an endless desert and a lush river the architects used this contradiction to develop a distinct geometric form that is an icon of a rock emerging from the sand and weathered by the elements. The building mass is both above and below ground and posed many challenges in dealing with the relationship between the architecture and the environment.

used the following methods to address the site context and the architectural intervention:
Landmark: using simple and geometric massing that stands distinct from nature to create a dominate symbol on the site.

Blending: Taking local stone as main material. This building represents a similar color tone and texture with the desert, which allows the architecture to blend and resemble the a rock in the sand.

Strengthening: The building strengthens the habitability of the desert while articulating the characteristics of the site.

Sight: The building allows the Yellow River to remain visible on the site and reinforces views of it through the east elevation.

Tactile impression: The experience of the building is enhanced through the use of a combination of different spaces, materials and scales.

This building stands on the spot where one can overlook the Yellow River and the wetland faraway, and optimizes the view from within the architecture. An interior landscape runs through the building in order to connect the exterior with interior. The cladding on the east part of the building provides full transparency, and thus the best views of the river. VIP rooms located along the eastern elevation are stacked together like crystal, where the rock has been eroded. A large dining hall is placed here, where visitors can overlook the intersection between the wetland and the desert, with the Yellow River flowing in the distance. A conference center and exhibition center are built along the landscape, thereby introducing a natural element into the building.

Architects: Sunlay Design
LocationXiao tan zi scenic spot, , Inner
Design team: He wei, Stefanie Helga paul, Liu wei wei, Fu chang rui, Li jie, Chen na, Wang guo feng
Building Area: 68204 m²
Project phase: Concept design

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY